
Benefits Of Cold Water Immersion

Benefits Of Cold Water Immersion

Step into the physical and mental health benefits of cold water immersion.

A chilly dip in our cold plunge pool is so good for your well-being – everything from more energy and better metabolic health to happier moods and more, report studies. Being immersed purges and cleanses the mind because you can’t think of anything that’s troubling you when you’re in cold water. It’s shocking, endorphins are released and you’re buoyed by feelings of optimism and well-being long after you’re out of the water.

Cold-water swims and therapies have been practiced for centuries in many countries for therapeutic and relaxation purposes, and really became cool in the past few years as people turned to cold water to relax and connect, and wash away the stress and monotony of life in uncertain times.  Our soothing Meditative and Therapeutic Hydrotherapy Pools have long been a part of Ste. Anne’s optimal healing environment and is designed for rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. The chilly 60° Yukon Cold Reset Pool with a beautiful waterfall is a perfect reset after cycling through our various warm and hot pools. There are six in all to benefit from this restorative ritual.

Different temperatures of water produce different effects on various systems of the body, including boosting immune function and relieving symptoms like pain and joint stiffness, without medication or more invasive treatments. Ste. Anne’s Spa is an oasis of health and healing in natural ways – instant relaxation washes over you and the stress just melts away from the moment you step through our doors and into our pools of tranquility. After a few cycles, your body feels at once both energized and calm, and your spirit finds inner peace.

If you’re new to cold water therapy, our cold plunge pool lets you step in at your own pace. Dip in your toes and simply go up to your knees or even your waist. Take the time to acclimate yourself in a slow and safe way. Gradually increase your time in the cold water as your tolerance increases. There are no universal guidelines but given how stressful cold water therapy can be on the body, people with heart, blood pressure and circulatory issues should speak with a health care professional first.

Seek our healing waters and the wonders of hydrotherapy year-round:

Original Grotto Hot Pool
  • 104°F
Upper Lazy River
  • 85°F
Lower Falls Pool
  • 85°F
Shoulder Massage Pool
  • 104°F
Low Back Massage Pool
  • 104°F
Yukon Cold Reset Pool
  • 60°F

All of our tranquil facilities offer the calm waters of healing: to meditate, relax, feel alive and work on enhancing wellness. Trying something new gets us out of our brains and boredom. Wading into new challenges, possibilities and places at Ste. Anne’s will soothe minds, bodies and souls; open up new waters of health and happiness.

Relaxation awaits.