
Seared Pickerel

Seared Pickerel

If you’re looking for a fresh twist on your dining experience, this Seared Pickerel recipe is a delightful choice!

Its combination of fondant potatoes, za’atar-roasted cauliflower, shaved fennel and gribiche sauce will surely impress your guests and make your celebrations even more special.

The Ingredients
  • pickerel - (4) 6-8 oz filets
  • za'atar roasted cauliflower - 1 head cauliflower
  • fondant potato - 2 potatoes
  • fondant potato - 2 potatoes
  • shaved fennel - 1 bulb
For The Gribiche Sauce
  • hard boiled eggs - 2
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp
  • white wine vinegar - 1 tbsp
  • roughly chopped capers - 1 tbsp
  • gherkins finely chopped - 3
  • garlic clove chopped - 1
  • chopped parsley - 1 tbsp
  • chopped chives - 5 springs
  • chopped tarragon - 1 tbsp
  • honey - 1 teaspoon
  • olive oil - ¼ cup
  • salt and pepper to taste
Fondant Potato
  • Step 1

    Peel and cut potatoes into ¾-inch thick rounds and place them flat down in an oven-safe dish.

  • Step 2

    Warm up about 2 cups of duck fat and pour over top of the potatoes.

  • Step 3

    Oven set to 350.

  • Step 4

    Bake for about 20 minutes or until you can gently pierce with a fork.

  • Step 5

    Set aside and let it cool.

  • Step 6

    Then pan-sear the potato until golden brown on each side.

Roasted Cauliflower
  • Step 1

    Break down cauliflower into medium size florets.

  • Step 2

    Toss in olive oil and salt.

  • Step 3

    Roast at 450 for 15 min.

  • Step 4

    Remove and immediately toss in shaved fennel and 1tbsp Za’atar seasoning.

  • Step 5

    Set aside to cool.

Gribiche Sauce
  • Step 1

    Add eggs, Dijon mustard, white vinegar, honey, salt, pepper and garlic to a food processor.

  • Step 2

    Add olive oil slowly to emulsify.

  • Step 3

    Then add the rest of the ingredients.

Pickerel Cooking Process
  • Step 1

    Set oven to 450.

  • Step 2

    Get a non-stick pan and add 1 tbsp oil. Bring to a medium/high heat.

  • Step 3

    Place pickerel skin side down.

  • Step 4

    Let sear for 2 min then toss in the oven for about 6 min still skin side down.

  • Step 1

    Gribiche on the bottom of the plate.

  • Step 2

    Fondant potatoes set on top of the sauce.

  • Step 3

    Roasted cauliflower spread around the plate.

  • Step 4

    Pan-seared pickerel on top of the fondants.

  • Step 5

    Shaved fennel as the garnish.

  • Step 6

    And a little chilli oil on top.

Relaxation awaits.