
Ecological Footprint

At Ste. Anne’s, we believe in being conscious of the effect our behaviour has on our home. Over the years, we have adopted many green practices, reflecting our owner, Jim Corcoran’s belief that

humans should strive to give back what they take from the environment, and in doing so should improve the quality of the world we live in.

Fortuitously, the spa is built on a natural aquifer, a spring 150 feet below ground. It supplies the inn with water for all of its uses, including laundry, and is used to fill the swimming pools, current pool, and hot tubs.

Our Sustainable Initiatives
No Plastic Bottles
  • Instead of offering bottled water, Ste. Anne’s Spa has multiple hydration stations at the Inn with natural spring water from our property.
Garden & Lawn
  • The breathtaking gardens and green lawns at Ste. Anne’s Spa are herbicide-free, in keeping with the spa’s commitment to natural, organic products.
  • In the spring of 2019 our team planted 1,000 trees of various species on our property along Academy Hill Road, Grafton.
Regenerative Agriculture
  • We practice rotational grazing, always moving the animals so they are always eating on fresh ground, giving the ground more time to grow back and re-establish its nutrient content.
Energy Efficiency
  • Our washers use cold water only and capture and reuse rinse water. Our dryers are moisture sensing instead of timed, and we are champions at recycling.
Skin Nourishment & Apothecary Line
  • Our Skin Nourishment and Apothecary product line was designed with the environment in mind, based on 100% pure botanical ingredients that provide the skin with what it needs to thrive optimally.
Carbon Neutral Packaging
  • We’re making the switch to recyclable, compostable packaging that’s carbon neutral, with carbon credits purchased to offset the emissions created by our packaging.